#zoom in and look at my dots they are great I love them
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the-coffee-fandom · 2 years ago
Pretty Green Gaze
A fanart for @tree-reads fic Pretty Green Paper
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royalpicaro · 1 month ago
⁶So, I work at a fast food joint and I thought: "How funny would it be to see where each Link aligns to the set people I work with and basing them on the types of worker."
So this is my Linked Universe Fast Food AU(modern times ofc)💅
Role: General Manager(GM)
Age: 38
Shifts: All
- Started the company 5 years ago with Malon and Twilight's full support
- Is very understanding but stern
- Knows who calls out the most and the least and how to prepare
- Has the schedule out every week before 5 pm. on Saturday. Every. Single. Time.
- Wants everyone to lock in every day, but knows only one will on each shift
- Will go to the office just to get away from the chaos after a big rush, on really bad days, he'll call Malon
- Is there to talk to when someone needs it
- Will make the others take breaks to look good on paper and because the boys need it
- Is the best when it comes to everything in the store except for paperwork/laptop work because he hates it and the damn laptop is slow as shit
- Will not tolerate disrespect from customers
- Loves when someone asks to see THE manager
- Waits in the group chat after posting the schedule to see who asks for coverage/who responds first
- Does the same when he sends a "Hey team" essay of a message.
- Will usually be at any station or in the office
Role: Captain(Shift Lead)
Age: 20
Shifts: All
- Been there for 5 years
- Time's son, so he HAS to lock in
- The most reliable for transport if someone can't get to work
- More lenient than Time, known as the Chill Lead
- He's got a pet wolf that he occasionally brings to work
- A yapper
- Will stand around doing nothing or talking if it's slow
- Is the messiest one
- Backseats on prep sometimes
- Defends Time when his stern attitude is brought up but agrees on some points
- Cutie Patootie
- Tries to defuse a situation and gentle parent the customer
- It works 99% of the time
- Doesn't care where he's stationed at, just wants the day to go by smoothly
Role: All Star(Trainer)
Age: 19
Shifts: Mostly nights
- Been there for a year
- Loves training people
- Is tired 24/7
- Will fall asleep at one of the tables on his break
- Likes to be a cashier and up front. Maybe drive thru if he feels adventurous
- Great with customers
- Yapper 2.0
- Checks the bags for every single order
- Is usually the one who says, "If anyone needs a shift covered, HMU" in the company group chat after the schedule is posted
- Will walk through the middle of a rush to go grab something for a customer that's up front in bins for them to grab
- Sits in the bathroom for longer than normal because "Bro needs a break" 5 min after getting to work
- Not lazy but not super productive
- Not a bad employee cause he can lock in when he needs to
- Immediately goes to Twilight when a customer is upset and walks away from the situation to go sit in the bathroom
- Clocks out on the dot and zooms out the door
Role: Captain(Shift Lead)
Age: 22
Shifts: Nights
- Been there for 3 years.
- Is grumpy from the second the store comes into view
- He's the only one to use the assigned chart to tell everyone where to go on his shift
- "Too bad" kind of guy
- Ladies man
- Has the best success rate when it comes to promotion sales
- Does not have a vape but will steal a hit or two from Legend's each shift
- Hates that the hat he has to wear messes up his hair
- Is the kind of person to come in with friends on his day off for free food
- Loud
- Younger brother is Wind who comes to work with him sometimes
- Goes to the walk in to destress even if its freezing
- Legend and him call each other names and banter
An exchange between them:
W: *Reaching for half of a cookie that they made but a customer forgot*
L: Yeah bro eat some, I already ate half.
W: Okay, fat fuck(affectionately)
*Cue them both laughing hysterically and trying not to be too loud*
- Legend and him are best buds, childhood friends
- Locks in when there's a rush and is usually right beside Legend finishing orders
- The two work like a well oiled machine
- Will go back to a conversation he had before the rush
- Prefers being in the back
- Hates dealing with rude customers
Role: Squad
Age: 18
Shifts: Mornings
- Has so much energy in the morning
- Gets prep done easily
- Makes food for himself before open
- Makes food during open
- And after his shift
- Not good with customers
- Likes being the heart and soul of BOH
- If one of the machines is broken, he can most likely fix it
- Perfect cook on everything every time
- Has a spot for everything at any station he's at.
- Locks in but for a max of 30 mins to an hour. Anymore time after that, his brain becomes mush
- Yapper 3.0
- Likes to hide in the bathroom after a rush and often races Sky there
- Is selective about what shifts he picks up
- Will never take a night shift
- Claims it ruins his me time
- Hates customers
- Will start a task just to avoid interacting with them
- Hates drive thru
- The Newest Guy
- Has been there for 4 months
- Doesn't really care if he's promoted or not
Role: All Star(Trainer)
Age: 21
Shifts: Nights
- Locks in when he really wants to
- Been there for 2 years, got recommended by Warriors.
- If there's a list, then at least a good portion, if not all of it, is getting done.
- Doesn't realize he's locked in
- Will hit his vape in the back out of view of the cameras
- Doesn't care where what station he's at but always ends up in the back some way or another
- Is quick asf
- Reliable on weekdays
- Unreliable on Weekends
- Calls out rarely but always with a good reason
- Will forget that he gets a break
- Will usually go somewhere else for food on break but its in the same plaza
- Will only yap if there's a conversation he's interested in
- Will pick up morning shifts but only if he absolutely needs the money
- Has no idea how he got promoted
- Any time Wars and him are on shift is a sign that its gonna be loud and silly, but shit will get done and close will be phenomenal
- He'll drag the office chair to the prep table and sit there when its slow, scrolling on Tiktok and finding a corner where he can vape undisturbed
- Somehow hides from the rest of the store on his break
- No one knows how he does it
- He'll pop out of thin air when he's done but literally no one knows where he goes
- Claims he was just "in the back"
- Will occasionally smell like the Devil's Lettuce
- Will talk to customers if he has to
- Can and will be a problem
- Sassy asf
Role: Squad
Age: 20
Shifts: All
- Been there for a year and ½.
- Soft spoken
- Hates it when the customer gets upset
- Stressed out by everything
- Often asks about the correct way to do things
- Is great with nice customers
- Great with kids
- Is not allowed near the prep or cooking area
- One time he got back there and the entire prep area was scorched
- Likes drive thru
- He feels pretty cool with the headset and it great at multitasking
- Is the best at drive thru
- Cutie Patootie 2.0
- Quiet but observant
- Will hear someone call out something and answer even if he wasn't the one it was meant for
- Comes in clutch
- Another "HMU if you need a shift covered" kind of guy
- Is pretty chill once you get to know him
- Close friends with Legend and Sky
- Also reliable to help out with transportation
- A sweetie
- Likes to be stuck at drive thru
Role: Squad
Age: 18
Shifts: All
- Been there for a year.
- HATES it when the tall people put something up high
- Is constantly finding new ways to get things down from somewhere without getting the step ladder out
- The only other person that can help out with the machines being broken
- Matches customer energy
- Can and will be petty
- Will not pick up shifts and will watch the group chat blow up if there's a big rush then say "oh well"
- He was "busy" is his excuse
- He learned not to leave the app open when reading the chat
- Will just straight up steal a food item and leave once he's done
- Has lost all the fucks to give
- The life of the shift when he is there
- Funny and loved
- Makes jokes with everyone
- He's super aware of everything around him
- Need that lettuce? There's already one in the fridge. Need bread? New full bin is in place of the old one before you can even ask. Need Lobby restocked? Already done.
- Locked tf in every single shift
- Star employee
- Doesn't even try, just do
- Loves angry customers cause he gets to try out gentle parenting
- Eventually will get impatient and just call over a shift lead.
Age: 14
Role: Morale Booster
Shifts: Whatever Warriors is working
- Does not work there, yet, but enjoys being around the guys
- Cutie Patootie 3.0
- Yapper 4.0
- Usually stuck in the office
- Asks for meals and loves that he gets them to be customized more than customers
- He's a great cheerleader
- Bursting with cheer
- Has a full team of guys behind him to protect him
- If he gets bullied then I pity the ones who get found
- Knows Legend well enough to make jokes
- Will go home with Legend if Warriors has to stay
- They get chinese take out and play video games all night
- Time loves him
- Twilight will occasionally drop him off at school in his truck
- Sleep overs at Time's place for company meetings are a monthly thing.
- Malon loves the boys
- Time can sing
- Twilight can play guitar
- Hyrule can use his hands to make a flute
- Legend provides the drinks and other party stuff👀
- Wind knows a lot about the ocean
- Four can lie really well
- Warriors is the best big brother
- Sky has a "talent" of sleeping anywhere, any time
- Wild is the best cook and always bring two to three dishes to the sleepover. Everyone gets excited for his food
- Legend hates it when his friends come in. They're cool and good buds, but he doesn't like when they show up without warning.
- Warriors is Legend's closest friend and biggest critic.
- Wild is still learning, but he gets along well with the others.
- Four is the one the others make fun of, but would defend in a heartbeat.
- Twilight is a ride or die for all his co workers.
- Time is preparing Twilight to take over the role of General Manager when he hits 40 cause that's when he'll retire.
- Sky is the only one with a write up that was made when he first joined because he fell asleep in the bathroom and missed his whole shift.
- Holiday and special event parties are done at Time's house. Meeting parties are done at the store.
- Legend occasionally drops Life Lore and Time is somehow surprised that the kid is still living.
- Some shit talk happens
- Legend is the only one known to smoke marijuana among the group, but he knows who does and who doesn't.
And that's it. I figured Legend would be the one most likely to vape and smoke cause well, the guy is traumatized and he needs some way to escape. Though I don't see him being someone who smokes marijuana often. I think he'd use it as a mental help rather than just to smoke because he can.
But yuh, anyway, I shall drop this here and you guys tell me if you hate it or not.
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cocogum · 10 months ago
The Great Wave - Chapter 2 Review
I have good news and bad news.
The bad news is, no smexy time here.
The good news is, we get some Yugo and Adamaï moments, AND the SADIDAS are FUMING 😍🥰
But before we see the sadidas, we can’t start this off without addressing Yugo and Adamaï’s interaction at the beginning of the chapter.
Cuz man, I liked it but when @vinillain addressed it and even ANALYZED IT I fell in love with this scene even more 💖💖
Without their perspective on the matter, I would have missed so many details. Here’s the post if you are interested.
So yeah I’m glad I found their analysis on it and I hope you like it just as much as I did ✨
Now let’s start.
I found babes lol (the dot is so tiny!!)
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Look at his emo ass just looking gloomy after having a wet dream. My guy is such a drama queen that he decided to sit at the top of the kingdom just to make himself feel better.
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(Get down from there you little shit-)
Adamaï swoops in and actually helps? Omg slay? Like you’re doing something helpful while scolding Yugo that’s actually good. Cuz ngl I’ve been getting kinda annoyed that Yugo had just left Amalia to deal with the sadidas’ problems all alone.
If Yugo didn't have nightmares like these from time to time, I could have overlooked his decision to leave her to deal with it on her own. But now that we know he does get them, it’s a pretty big deal.
He confirms it to Adamaï when he tells him that his condition has been worsening meaning that he’s already used to it and yet decides to not say anything to Amalia AND KEEPS LEAVING HER DEAL WITH THE PEOPLE ON HER OWN. Now he obviously doesn’t leave her like that during the whole day. It’s just that there’s a good chance he’s not there with her during the mornings. Like, imagine fucking a dude who keeps having PTSD nightmares every two nights. Now we know why she got pissed in Chapter 1 when he left her on the ground naked like that. Girl just wants to have fun and lead her people let her have her moment-
Also, we all saw this coming folks.
The blue cows are back.
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Bro is trying so hard to be Eva. Look at him trying to visualize and zoom in on the wastes of spaces coming to the kingdom.
Also, I remember how some of us used to think that Aurora was pregnant which is why she might’ve had the balls to come back to the kingdom and try to regain her throne, you know, the very same kingdom THAT SHE FUCKING FLED FROM DURING A WAR THAT COULD’VE WIPED THE WHOLE RACE. The pregnancy theory was a common one to be shared around because the trailer for the manga did not show her stomach. Some of them also theorized that theory because it made the most sense as to why she’d want to come back willingly whether her father wanted her to or not.
Of course, no shade to anyone who thought about this theory before but I love how they tried to justify her stupidity for returning by making up this theory.
Cuz it turns out that bitch wasn’t pregnant after all.
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Her stomach is flatter than a washboard and her return happened AFTER FOUR MONTHS (or around that number at least) so her stomach would have at least had a bump but she got none of that.
Judging by Yugo’s expression when he realizes them, he doesn’t look like he’s surprised to see that they’re coming back. He looks like he’s pissed off, annoyed at the fact that they’re coming.
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I initially believed that the reason why Yugo looked angry, instead of confused or shocked at seeing them come back, was because the royal Osamodas family might have been trying to return during those few months after season 4. But it turns out that this wasn’t the case because when Aurora manages to re-enter the kingdom, Amalia tells her she didn’t expect her to come back ever again. This means that the royal osamodas family only came back once. So Yugo’s only reason for being angry at seeing them must’ve been because he heard everything the family did through Amalia (including all the times the blue cow tried to marry Amalia off to one of her brothers AND THEN her cousin) which is pretty understandable to be pissed off about.
Finally, after a full week of waiting, the Sadida people make their presence known in this chapter AND IT’S EVERYTHING I’VE EVER WANTED.
We learn that the sadidas are annoyed that the elite eliatropes have not only stayed but that they also shared some of their lands.
I genuinely feel bad for this eliatrope getting criticism from this old sadida. True, they did come here and stayed but they’re not even a lot to begin with. We’re not talking about thousands of children eliatropes here. We’re talking about 30 to 40 eliatropes since these were the bravest to have joined their mother and ALSO completed a lot of missions (that they knew of through the eliaculus) that involved putting their life on the line. So to hear these sadidas claim that they don’t feel at home must say A LOT if 30-40ish eliatropes were able to make such a change. The old sadida man even said that they do not understand sacrifice as the sadidas do.
And that’s something that’s been bothering me since I learned that the sadidas weren’t aware of the eliatropes’ past.
Didn’t Amalia tell Yugo to explain to the sadidas their background?? It sure sounds like he didn’t do anything about presenting his people to Amalia’s. If you’re going to share a land with people you’ve never seen before, you might as well present yourself, no? Because if you don’t, tension and possible harassment are exactly what would happen to the eliatropes if they don’t do anything about that topic.
I also wanted to point out how the people have been behaving towards Amalia in Seasons 1 to the Ovas. This is important to notice because these guys clearly love her and always think of her as a good future queen. We even get a confirmation in Season 4 that a lot of sadidas would rather have her as their leader rather than Armand.
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So the fact that a lot of them are now feeling like they’re not at home anymore because Amalia let the elite eliatropes stay makes them think as if they’ve somewhat been betrayed by her.
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Translation for 1st panel: “Your father and brother would have never accepted this!”
Translation for 2nd panel: “He’s right! We aren’t at home here!”
Translation for 3rd panel: “These eliatropes are not like us! Your father and brother would have never shared our lands!”
This is a very big shift from what we know. For once, Amalia doesn’t receive smiles or praises.
A lot of them are now siding with Armand and her father, claiming that they wouldn’t have let the eliatropes stay. We know Armand wouldn’t have done that because he confirmed it to Amalia in Season 4 right after the meeting with the Eliatrope goddess ended. But Amalia’s father? No. King Oakheart would’ve welcomed them with open arms. He told Yugo that he had no problem welcoming his people (he said this in Season 2).
The sadidas were right about one of her family members not accepting the eliatropes and I believe it reflects how hurt they all feel about this decision. Because they have no one else to blame this decision on, they are trying to think that only Amalia in the royal family would’ve done that so they immediately point fingers at her.
And then, as if things couldn’t get any worse, the blue cows are officially back. And yes, I’m going to call them blue cows from now on, just like how I addressed them in the beginning too.
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Yugo: “Sorry, I didn’t have the time to warn you.”
Also Yugo: has the ability to create portals.
The Osamodas family is even more brain-dead than I thought.
Blue fat cow over here is saying “here’s your legitimate ruler” while pointing at another cow but she ain’t even a Sadida. And then you’ve got Amalia over here who’s obviously royal Sadida blood so idk why tf the blue cow king would think he did something there. The sadidas just said that they don’t feel at home cuz of the eliatropes so what makes him think the people are gonna accept a useless blue cow who’s only not a Sadida but did nothing during the war? The sadidas are already pissed at not feeling like they’re at home, don’t throw more gasoline into the fire by claiming an OSAMODAS is fit for the SADIDA THRONE.
Yugo’s wave where you at?
The Osamodas King lost so many neurones when he stayed in that cave, he should just go back in there with his ugly crusty ass bats.
But it’s alright, I’m not even mad (i’m fuming) because no matter how stupid and dumb the king sounded, if you look at chapter 3’s cover, the king doesn’t look confident and cocky anymore.
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Clearly, something must’ve happened in the throne room when he was spewing all this shit about Aurora being the “legitimate heir” because AGAIN, that’s clearly Amalia’s role so I genuinely hope that the sadidas were the ones who made the king frown like that. Because there’s a gigantic possibility that they must have flat-out told the king to sit his ass down and remind him that he and his worthless daughter didn’t do shit when the war happened and now he suddenly wants to rule them?? Of course they’d get pissed by what he said!
The majority of them obviously looked bothered by what he had just announced as well. Everyone in the throne room looked like they were just shocked to hear him talk. EVERYONE.
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So yeah, I hope I see this fatass get humiliated. Even the eliatropes are like ‘sir what the fuck are you doing’ type of shit.
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mrghostrat · 1 year ago
I remember you posting a blurred gif of the outline of atws, so if you don't mind me asking, how do you do that? Like, get the outline onto paper and not just scenes in your head. That's something I've always struggled with, because it's hard to write without an outline, but hard to do the outline when I don't have a first draft? I'm not sure how to explain it so I hope this makes any sense at all lmao
ahh so fair! some people just don't operate that way and you gotta do what's best for your brain. no point exhausting all your energy trying to squeeze into a "standard writing process" that'll make writing even more difficult for yourself.
under the cut, i'm going to explain my writing process every step of the way, using scenes of ATWS. i hope it helps in some way? i don't think it's anything special, but this is just how i write to appease my adhd.
first, this might help: i once used storyplanner.com when i didn't know how to even start a story and i loved it. it's a great tool that can hold your hand every step of the way, or just prompt you to think on your own. there's over 20 planners that ask different questions like "what's your character's major flaw?" "what's the inciting incident?" "what outside elements hinder the character?" etc that will present you with a complete story structure when you're done with it.
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ok, now, how i write:
as for the post in reference, that's the 2nd stage of my writing process. i get carried away with tangents and hone in on details, so i plan in dot points to try and force myself to keep it simple and stay zoomed out.
i just write what happens in chronological order, and if i have an idea for a later scene (or something that i just want to happen, but don't know when/where/how), i note that in a separate document that i can refer to while i plan. this also allows me to gloss over vague sections to keep my writing flow going.
stage 1:
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i've started using Notion's "toggle list" feature to minimise the less important parts of a scene and keep myself focused on the overarching plot during this stage. this is what the first point looks like:
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i go beat by beat, essentially amounting to an elevator pitch for each stage of my story. "crowley and aziraphale are streamer roommates" + "people start to notice they each live with someone and the speculation starts" + "crowley and aziraphale interact on twitch" + "they attend the edinburgh meetup" etc.
i finish a story before i move on from this stage. i won't start writing something in earnest until i know how it ends.
stage 2:
this is what you saw in my gif, and why that page was so long. that's every scene i'm going to write in the story.
sometimes i jump straight from stage 1 to writing, but ATWS required a lot more figuring out before i started any kind of prose. here i'm basically noting down the details of what each scene is, the brunt of what's happening. this is when i have to figure out those "vague sections" i glossed over earlier.
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it's still just intended to be a rough outline so i know where the characters are and what's moving their relationship along. most of these dot points are short because i've already thought about them a thousand times, and may have more details noted down in a different document.
meanwhile some of them i'm planning out the scene as i'm dotting it, making not of dialogue that i want to include.
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stage 3: my bracket method
i only use this stage when i'm struggling to write and need to baby step into it. this is my "bracket method" in which i write the scene without, like... caring? some people may consider this "double handling" which may drive you mad, but it's the most helpful thing i've ever done for my process.
i switch tenses, i write how i chat (no capitals etc) and just word vomit the scene without focusing on prose. ATWS came quite easily at first, and i didn't need to use stage 3 until i got to chapter 4 and hadn't written in a few days.
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stage 4:
this is writing the actual prose, but i wanted to include it so you can see the differences, to help better understand my notes/planning/outlining stages:
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and this is what a scene looks like with stage three bridging the gap:
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spindle-girl · 20 days ago
Glare 3.x
Dot goes on a quest
He made the mistake of grabbing onto a metal strut at the edge of one set of shelves.  The face of the strut moved, changing in angle, and jerked upward.  A machine had taken a blade and camouflaged it to look like the red-painted metal surface, and it managed to carve deep into Jackson’s mentor’s hand.  The machine that controlled the blade moved.  It wore a cardboard box.
well this is horrifying
Gas.  Invisible, odorless.  They gasped and used everything they had to try to draw air into their lungs, but the machines were putting something heavier than oxygen on the ground floor of the store.  Now they drowned.
oh, cool! it gets worse!
She used her power, she shot at shelves, but she lacked the angle.  The machines reeled in, using the wires attached to the skewers, and the heroine was hauled into the air, arms out to either side, legs dangling.
if this is by the fridge than i’m going to start thinking wildbow has a thing for mixing refrigerators and crucifixions
Each time blood accumulated enough to drip and make a small splash on the floor, a machine zoomed out to spray at it and then wiped it away before returning to its hiding place beneath a shelf.
so they’re either cruel, not very smart, or i’m underestimating her power and they are being smart by waiting for her to bleed out
“I don’t- this isn’t about me.  Can you- can you let them know the Machine Army is this far north?  They shouldn’t be on this side of the Raleigh chasm.”
aw dang. genuine hero there
Then she cut into the woman’s throat, until blood sprayed from the artery.  She opened her mouth wide, until the teeth on the upper half of her mouth pointed in the same direction as the teeth on the lower jaw, and bit in deep, locking her mouth in place.  She swallowed the blood, gorging herself.
i don’t remember Nilbog’s creatures being vampires like this, but i like it
Dot was willing to admit that if she was going to die, at least it was at the hands of someone with a good aesthetic. “You thall not path,” Ratcatcher said.
they’re both losers it’s great
Three rats against her and her boxcutter. It might have been an even fight, but she had her devotion to her king on her side. She would rescue her king.
rip Raththputin. this has been really fun to read though
A dining hall, with lots of tables, and a kitchen off to one side.  It smelled like a hundred different foods.
love how dot keeps getting distracted by her hunger and thirst
“…a Red Queen and an Alice, then.” “Or you could call me by my name.” “I’m quite fond of Alice.  She was a chaotic force in the worlds she visited, you know.  She questioned, she challenged.  A revolutionary in absurd worlds held captive by their own conventions and riddles.”
oh yeah i forgot Nilbog used Alice allusion back in Ciara’s epilogue. i wonder how she’s doing
“It’s very, very easy for even a Queen to be checkmated, if she doesn’t act like a Queen.” “I’m starting to think I’m not smart enough to keep up with this conversation.”
nah, they’re just having fun with you Amy
“No,” he said.  “No, daughter of Polka.  I’m too old, and I’m watched too closely.  They’re watching and listening even now.  We had our chance, and as our Kingdom stood on the brink of war, your king chose the wrong allies.  The Alice that just visited me was one.”
i thought Nilbog got picked up and sorta kidnapped by a Siberian clone? eh, it's not important enough for me to go back and check
She needed purpose to drive her forward, and her purpose, the goal in her mind, was to go back to that store, to find a piece of machine, and then to put it on the train. The machines would hatch in the heart of all the known worlds and the humans would lose their kingdom too.
yuh oh
“Can I?” the Red Queen asked, moving her hand, and Dot saw.  Dot nodded, and closed her eyes as the Red Queen stroked her.  A different, lighter touch.
could a cat have saved Amy Dallon?
“And that anger of yours?  What are we going to do about that?” Dot might have been surprised, but King Rinke had called this woman a Queen and Queens were supposed to be capable of great things. She kept her mouth shut.  Amazed as she was, she wasn’t dumb. “How about… in exchange for that healing I just gave you, you keep me company for a little while?”
feels like this might be the one good thing Amy does in the book
Even when the hand stopped moving, and rested on Dot’s shoulder, when Dot stared at the missing fingertips, she felt a little more okay.
oh, so she never got that fixed after all
End Thoughts:
add this to the list of Wildbow interlude that could easily be turned into a short story or a series of them in a messed up fairytale world
Victoria could be a great horror movie protagonist against the Machine Army with her one shot shield letting her survive the first blow and having to escape so that it can recharge
Amy being in the building--and a frequent visitor--makes what Carol said make a little bit more sense in that they are seeing each other more, presumably on a daily basis, but still shitty of her to bring up last chapter
Dot was delightful :)
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thenwethrowitonthefire · 7 months ago
hello. I don't have any much of ask this time, mainly wanting to know which spark song you've been hyper in it(if you comfortable to say of course) and rant
I haven't listened to any songs lately since depression has tighten it grips on me causing me get overwhelmed/over-sensitive to voices but there is this verse keep repeating in my head from change by sparks for unknown reasons (consider I'm not good at memorizing lyrics so I only know this part of song)
Change; every dog is gonna have his day // Change; every loser's gonna have his way// Change; I don't care what other people say
i think you had said one or two things about this song to me before but I never opened the discussion cause I feel we will talk ENDLESSLY about it. each sentence in this song carries lot meanings, the full song has it deep heavy meaning while it looks clear as well -very spark type of thing- (like ocean I suppose? at least to me. with clear surface but deepness) and the feelings that arise when I focus on each lines, it goes into my heart before sinks in my soul (I also want to cry with - could be because I'm depressed)
I think is one of those songs I love from sparks that get me go numb on the kitchen floor like the angst on my pants if I let it posses me.
the previous answer still has me! still thinking about and trying to gather my thoughts over it, your overlook on full album by pointing the main concept of each song had me to listen to full album with closer look this time (+ the additional reblog from that account made some good points too (thank you! if you reading this :))
Hello again! ^^ So nice to see you in my ask box once more :)
I'm sorry to hear depression is being really tough on you at the moment, I hope things will be a bit better again soon ⁠♡ Change is a good song to hold your hand through dark days, the part of the lyrics you've highlighted in your message say it all. I really like what you said about the song and so I'll just give you a knowing smile because I think we understand each other perfectly well :)
I'm glad you enjoyed the previous answer and that you're still thinking about it, I love them so much for having made an album like that in these times :) (Hey @parts-of-me-unravelling thanks again for your addition about crying in one's latte ☺️)
I'm always comfortable talking about any song that I've been fixated on but I've honestly not listened to a lot of music recently (I've also been down in the dumps a bit and crave silence a lot). Sparks is always there though in other ways even when I'm not listening to music: I recently got a poster that I feared I'd missed out on. It made me so happy! It's good memories and a truly great photo. I also bring Sparks up in random conversations a lot, yesterday a friend was talking to me about pandemic isolation times and how people would only dress up the upper half of their bodies for zoom calls. ...so I was thinking of when Sparks made a video in which Russell stood up to show off his polka dot shorts, to which Ron said he wasn't going to stand up because he wasn't wearing shorts and it was supposed to be a pg rated video 😂 (I appreciate these guys so much.) It's in one of their 2020 videos on Instagram, all of which are very worth watching btw. (During self-isolation Russell treated us to singing lessons and workout sessions, Ron showed off his hand sanitizer collection and "The Ronald D. Mael Museum of stones and shells" (if I remember the name correctly), we got A Day In The Life Of Russell, Russell showing off his fridge magnet collection, and weekly lyric reads from Ron, as well as a couple of live recordings of songs from home. Honestly they were sweet as hell for doing all of that, I treasure all of these videos immensely. ... They might be good to watch actually if you need a mood boost :))
But here's something I've been hoping to tell you as there's something exciting coming up for the Sparks fandom: Sparkstember. It's a full month of celebrating Sparks and all their different albums and projects, and it takes place in September. The prompts list hasn't been posted yet but I'm going to assume it's not too dissimilar from last year. People can engage with the prompt/album of the day in any way they like so it's not only about art, though a lot of people make art for every single day of the month, and it's just really fun :) (Also a bit insanity inducing haha, I've now made art for every single day of it for the last 2 years while also trying to keep up with everything my friends have made. I very much intend to do it again this year.) People partake on any social media platform they like, though I personally especially enjoy it on Instagram. Sparks see and share a lot of the stuff that we put out there, so it's a really nice way of letting them know what they mean to us :) There's always too much about them that I can't put into words, also there's just too much to say, so having a whole month and going album by album is really good for that. (I mean, you've seen how I can write a whole essay about just one song. And they've got so many songs, albums, tours, photos, interviews, music videos, etc etc.) So I've been preparing for that these last weeks, and I'll keep the details about it to myself because my answer is getting so long already 😅 (Plus, I'll be going on about every album for the whole of next month anyway.) What I will share though is this tumblr post I made about these lyrics from the song Let's Make Love. You may have already seen that post float by, but it says everything about my motivation for Sparkstember and how much I love Sparks. (Gratuitous tag rant included on the post 🙃)
...sorry to go all "I love Sparks" on you today, without really talking about a song (I truly could write a whole book about them and their work though, plus there isn't really a separation between them as people and their art, it all exists as one massive universe but it's also all one and the same thing). Though the Sparks fan experience is basically Sparks fans constantly telling each other how much they love Sparks anyway so, well, there you go. The Sparks fan experience 👍🏻
The world could use more joy at the moment, or at least I know I could use it and could use things to make me want to keep going, so have this fun homemade music video from 2020 as my parting gift. Just because both the song and the video never fail to make me smile :)
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mandareeboo · 2 years ago
Have you seen the season finale of Moon Girl?
Watching it now! Bullet point liveblog activated!
These bitches really heard "get Moon Girl" and decided it was just whoever had the name, not the one who self-destructed the thinga-ma-jig
Oh SHIELD shows up NOW, where were you when the Beyonder almost wasted humanity
I do NOT know enough about marvel for this shit, every new name that pops up I'm frantically googling
Do love how Ms. Hill does her best to be welcoming to the obvious thirteen year old and her giant dino, like she coulda been standoffish but she making bee puns and such
Listen I know the original Moon Girl was black but I did NOT click those dots, I just assumed it was another marvel character I didn't know about
Okay but the Enclave working for the military?? When SHIELD didn't know??? That's some corruption bullshit right there
SIX PEOPLE FUCKING DIED?????????? On-screen?????????????? I don't care if Mimi was like 'they could be anywhere' NO we saw a fucking monster take them. They went into something's belly.
Imagine how terrified Mimi musta been when she realized that her portal was down there and it brought a giant dino to her home
Lunella really BUSTED OPEN A TRUCK DOOR like damn girl you stronk from all that evildoer busting
The Beyonder is so fucking funny to me like he just shows up to give us the deets because he LOVES the gossip
"Zoom in on the islands" -gently shoves head closer-
Casey just made a fucking invisible suit I love this girl so fucking much
I was fully unaware that there's just. Uninhabited islands in New York. That's creepy af.
Morlak is such a great parallel to Aftershock with the "I know where they live" threat. Obviously he's WAY more dangerous but still
Casey looked up self-defense after that attempt at being Moon Girl I LOVE IT
Listen. I know we'll get her back. Probably in the s2 opener. But still JESUS
Thank god she got her invisi-suit she'll need it to hide from monsters
Devil looking for his mama like THANKS I DIDN'T NEED MY HEART TODAY
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plaguefields-rp · 1 year ago
Behold Them...
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this is PATCHES. she looks exactly like when bugs bunny dresses up like marilyn monroe with the dramatic eyeliner and beauty mark. she stands on her hind feet and walks like vince mcmahon. i won't lie; it's intimidating.
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this is CARMEN. you know, like the woman who ditched the protagonist of The Band's "The Wait" and left him to hang out with the devil. my partner says her face looks like a butt and i'm not going to say he's wrong, but it's a really really cute butt. crazy thing is that she's full-grown at 3lbs.
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HAZEL is your standard black and white dutch rabbit. her markings make her appear to be wearing pants and a black luchador mask. you might be wondering what's up with all the orange stuff on her face. well, i left a bowl of spaghettios unattended for just a little too long.
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DAVID JOHANSEN JR ("Davie") is just an all-around weird organism, much like the guy I named her after. she has glowing red eyes and a tail that doesn't look like a standard cotton-puff bunny tail so much as an overlong prehensile butt-tentacle.
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OLIVE doesn't care what you're eating, but she wants it. she has a white dot on her nose and i think she has a crush on my therapist because she likes to do wacky shit in the background during my zoom appointments. earlier today she farted and it made my bedroom smell like scallions for like four whole minutes.
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this is BLUTESSA and she is 24lbs of womanly menace. she's named after the canonical sister of Bluto from Popeye. she really likes a game called "Froot Loop," which is pretty much fetch but with froot loops and she doesn't bring them back. i've already made a callout post about how she doesn't wipe her ass very well. none of the others have this issue, so this is definitely a Her-problem.
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LUCKY (temporary name) has a sad-as-fuck origin story. the guy at the pet store told me she was "unsellable" because she has a deformed leg. he made a point of showing me how affectionate and cuddly she was before casually telling me nobody would want her and he was gonna feed her to a snake. you know what likes deformed snuggly rabbits even more than a hungry python? ME. i do. she's actually doing great and has a real thing for honey mustard.
this has been "My Rabbits." thanks for tuning in.
blutessa compared to her average-sized housemates
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is a musclebound headlock truly so different from a loving embrace?
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asexualsoup · 2 years ago
So I don't really write fan fiction and I never planned to but here we are I guess lol 😅
**Cannot emphasize enough that this is a WIP. It's not finished lol. But if you yell at me enough I probably will finish it.**
Remember That I Love You
Juno Steel/Peter Nureyev
Post Season 4
So far, everything had gone exactly to plan. Rita had hacked the pharmacorps’ computers and, from the safety of the Ruby 7’s driver’s seat, had set enough fires across the compound to draw most of the guards exactly where she wanted them. No matter how many times Juno watched her do this, he always found himself in awe of how easy it all was for her. Like a kid with a magnet drawing little shapes in metal sand.
Once the guards had been dispersed, it was just a matter of using their stolen map and the Ruby’s own scans to figure out exactly where they needed to go. That’s where Juno came in.
“There,” he said, pointing to a cluster of moving dots on the Ruby's screen. Taking the hint, the Ruby 7 zoomed its three-dimensional map onto a hallway at the bottom of the complex. “That’s where we’ll find him.”
“You sure, Mista Steel?” Rita asked, unconvinced. “How can you be so sure? We only get one shot at this, so you gotta be exactly right—”
“I know, Rita. You don’t need to remind me. When the fires went off, the executives left their meeting and ran down to this hallway. The Ruby’s showing them all leaving the hallway, but they’re just phasing through a wall. There are no rooms marked there on the map. The Ruby’s scan isn’t faulty, so that means—”
“A safe room!” Rita finished. Her eyes were wide behind her glasses. “That’s so cool! And there’s a buncha them, too, from the look of it. A whole row of safe rooms! How can we be sure which one is his?”
“Ruby?” Juno said with a smile. “You know what to do.”
It was over in seconds. The Ruby had scanned their target so many times, it could recognize him instantly, even from this distance. Juno didn’t fully understand it either, but he knew he could trust the Ruby to be accurate. It had helped him find Rita on that asteroid, after all.
As soon as it found him, it sang a triumphant little tune.
“Good job, Ruby,” Juno said. “Send that scan to my comms. I’m heading in. Let’s go get Nureyev out once and for all.”
* * *
Juno moved quickly through the compound, listening and reacting to Rita’s directions in his ear every step of the way. With her help, he avoided all the patrolling guards long enough to sneak into one of the server rooms she hadn’t set ablaze.
Keeping his voice low just in case, he asked her, “You sure the code you’ve put on this chip will eliminate his debt?”
"And all his accounts and bio-records, yeah, yeah," her voice chirped in his earpiece. He chuckled, imagining the way she was rolling her eyes at him. "You’ve asked me that about a hundred times, Mista Steel. It’ll work. Trust me."
“Like you said, we’ve only got one shot at this. It’s gotta be flawless.”
"We’re Aurinkos, boss. It don’t gotta be flawless to be successful."
“Yeah, well,” Juno said, feeling that old reliable flicker of nerves and self-doubt in his gut. “I’d rather have both, if I’m honest.”
With Rita’s assistance, he inserted the chip. The computers beeped and popped for a bit until Rita finally squeaked again.
"That's done it, boss. You can take the chip out now."
Juno did as she said, slipping it back into his pants pocket. "Great," he said. "Now it's just the hard part. Getting to him, taking out the guards, and then the escape." He sighed, suddenly feeling his age. "No biggie."
"It'll be fine, Mista Steel," Rita said. "Once you find him, you won't be alone in there anymore. You'll have him to help you with those last two steps. And Mista Nureyev has always been good at fighting guards and sneakin' outta places. It’ll be fine!"
"Still weird hearing you call him that. Even on private comms. But you make a good point. Once I find him…."
Juno trailed off, his mouth feeling suddenly very dry. He hadn't been this close to Nureyev in months, not since he'd smelled his cologne at Aurinko Permanent Corrections. The realization sent a torrent of butterflies through his stomach: fear, panic, and a good amount of excitement too.
Nureyev was in the building. And within minutes, he'd be in Juno's arms. Safe and sound at last and with his whole life ahead of him. The future at his nimble fingertips.
It was the same gift he'd promised to Slip Jackson all those years ago. And while Nureyev couldn't give that future to Slip in the end, Juno could make sure Nureyev got it now.
So, with a deep breath to swallow his panic down, Juno pressed on to the next phase of the plan.
* * *
Juno had taken out so many guards over the course of his career that a few localized in one closed off room should be no problem at all. And with all the tricks he’d picked up from Nureyev during their year of crime together, they wouldn’t know what hit them.
He crawled on his belly through the vents, Rita and the Ruby still guiding him around every corner, until finally he peered through a grate into the room in question.
As soon as he saw Nureyev, he felt his heart fly into his throat. He was sitting in a chair against the wall, looking like a prisoner in that tiny room with four armed guards around him.
But that wasn't what made Juno so upset. Nureyev… didn't look like himself. He was thinner than the last time they'd seen each other. Paler, too, like he hadn't seen the sun in weeks. He was still dressed to the nines and covered in makeup, but none of that could hide the new slump in his posture and the deadened look behind his eyes.
As wonderful as it was to see him again, it was frightening to see how only half a year away had changed him.
That ended here and now.
In one hand, Juno held his blaster. And in the other, he held a small pebble-like ball. Another trick he'd picked up from Nureyev.
Slipping the ball through the grate, he watched as it hit the floor and exploded into vapor, instantly surrounding the guards in a thick curtain of smoke. As the guards coughed and sputtered and shouted to each other, he kicked open the grate and dropped himself into the room.
Darting out of the range of the smoke, he planted his feet firmly in front of Nureyev.
“Juno?” came that beautiful voice from behind him, the one that made his heart flutter.
“Yeah, yeah, you can swoon into my arms later,” he said. And even though he was joking, he wanted nothing more. “Whatever you’ve got to use against these guys, now’s the time to use it.”
“But, Juno, I—”
Whatever Nureyev was about to say would have to wait. The guards had finally collected themselves and were starting to stumble out of the smoke, blasters raised and searching for a target.
Ducking beneath the nearby table, Juno sent a pair of stun blasts out between its legs, completely incapacitating the first two guards he saw.
“I see you haven’t lost your touch, dear detective,” Nureyev said, sliding in beside Juno. “Shall we take this to the next level?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
It was a maneuver they’d learned together during their time on the Carte Blanche. That time felt like so long ago now, and yet Nureyev fell into position as smoothly and easily as if they’d practiced it only yesterday. Juno would have to thank Buddy for those lessons later, among a million other things.
Grabbing opposite ends of the table, they swung its legs out from under it and in one fluid motion, launched it flat-side first into the smoke. Both of the remaining guards grunted in pain as they were struck, and somewhere within the haze, they both collapsed under the weight of the table.
“You truly are a sharpshooter, aren’t you?” Nureyev said as he leaped to his feet again and reached out a hand to help Juno. “You hit them both even through all that fog.”
“Hey, it was a big table,” Juno said, taking that proffered hand. “And anyway, you’re just as likely to—”
But his words were cut off. As soon as he’d gotten to his feet, Nureyev’s mouth had found his. The kiss was hard, desperate, pressing his lips almost painfully against his teeth. But it was exactly what they both needed after all that time apart. Juno couldn’t help the moan that escaped his throat, and his hands found Nureyev’s collar, pulling him in even closer.
Once they’d separated, Nureyev narrowed his eyes. “I told you not to come after me.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Juno said, hopping up to swiftly kiss Nureyev’s lips again.
“I suppose not. Though we’ll definitely have words about this later. A lot of words.”
Nureyev released him and without another word, flew gracefully into the depths of the smoke. Still a little awestruck, Juno found his feet again and moved to follow him.
Squinting through the fog, he peered around quietly for any sign of the two guards they’d knocked down. The table was easy enough to find, its legs splayed like a dead spider on its back. But the two guards that it had hit? Those were a lot harder to spot. And so was Nureyev.
Juno slunk low to the floor, crouched near the table’s legs and stared into the surrounding fog for any sign of movement. It only took a minute for him to spot something. A glint of metal in the fog. He stared in its direction, trying to find it again, but couldn't.
Instead, when a guard finally did appear in the smoke, it was to his far left. They stumbled near him, their shirt pulled high over their mouth and nose. They made eye contact with Juno, who already had his blaster raised, but before either of them could make a move, a dark heel swung out from the fog and hit the guard right in the back of the head, knocking them out cold. With another glint of metal, Nureyev emerged from the smoke and crouched at Juno’s side once again.
“That was brutal,” Juno whispered. “I always forget you can kick that high.”
“So did they, apparently.”
“You might want to take off your jewelry before we handle that other guard, Nureyev. I can see it shining through the fog.”
For the first time since their reunion, something made Nureyev pause. “Juno… there’s something that you should—”
“Let’s deal with the other guard first, Nureyev. Do you have any idea where they are?”
“Juno, I—”
But whatever Nureyev was going to say, it was cut off by the cracking sound of a blaster shot. Nureyev gasped and flew backward, hitting the ground hard.
“Nureyev!” Juno shouted before he could stop himself.
Flying onto his feet, he whipped around and pointed his blaster in the direction the shot had come from. The fourth and final guard stood there, grinning through the smoke. Her blaster was pointed right at Juno’s head.
“Really?” Juno gasped, trying desperately to think straight through the panic now flooding his brain. “You sneak up behind me and decide to shoot your own guy instead?”
“I was following my orders, lady,” she said darkly, her hand flexing against the trigger. Ready to send another laser directly through Juno’s brain.
He wasn’t going to give her the chance. With one hand, he grabbed her wrist and twisted, sending her laser up to the ceiling. Bringing around his own blaster, he struck her hard across the face, sending her sprawling to the floor where his own shot struck her right in the chest a second later. Her eyes went hazy as the stun wave overtook her body, and then she closed her eyes, unconscious.
Breathing heavily, Juno dropped his gun and rushed to Nureyev’s side. Nureyev was panting hard, one hand over his face. His hands were shaking.
“Goddammit, Nureyev. No,” Juno wept, searching Nureyev’s body with his hands. “No no no. Where did they hit you? Oh, goddammit.”
But no matter where he looked, he didn’t find any blood. All he could find was a small laser burn on the front of Nureyev’s shirt.
“It was just a stun blast,” he said, relief flooding him once more. “You’re fine. You’re gonna be fine.”
But as Nureyev gave another groan of pain, Juno felt his relief crack once more.
“N… Nureyev? Come on. Snap out of it.”
Nureyev groaned again, his mouth twisting in pain and all four of his limbs starting to tremble. The fingers by his forehead curled, as if trying to grasp at something, and between them, Juno could see that glint of metal again. It was only then that Juno realized Nureyev wasn’t wearing any jewelry. No rings, no earrings.
Nothing but whatever was shining on his temple.
Grabbing Nureyev’s hand, he slowly pulled it away.
His stomach dropped. “Nureyev… no… please, no… Is that a…?”
Nureyev groaned again and Juno swore he could hear the pops of electricity coming from it.
Because right there, stuck on Nureyev’s temple, was a little gray chip. Smaller than the Theia Soul had been, but otherwise the same.
“Goddammit. Nureyev, what do I do?” Juno asked desperately.
In response, Nureyev cried out as the chip zapped him again, and this time, Juno actually saw the skin beginning to sizzle around it.
He fumbled for his comms, knowing somewhere in the back of his panicked mind that if anyone could fix this, it would be Rita. But a second later, as Nureyev’s body went slack, Juno’s heart stopped.
Nureyev’s eyes peered up to meet his, bleary and unfocused. Lines of blood began to form around the edges of the chip.
“Nureyev?” Juno asked breathlessly.
“Ju…no…” was all the man managed to say before his eyes closed and unconsciousness claimed him too.
(to be continued?)
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
C's Nanbaka Platonic Match-Up
I wasn’t kidding when I said I was so in the mood for writing some match-up’s and you indulged me so well! I really appreciate it and hope you’ll enjoy!
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In my opinion, your ideal Nanbaka best friend is MITSURU! I actually had a little bit of a debate in my mind over who to go with, as there were a few options that really made sense to me, with the other options being listed at the end of the post, but in the end, I had to go with Mitsuru. To me, it just fit almost beautifully, with only one thing you mentioned in your description going against the friendship working out perfectly. That thing, of course, being that you mentioned not being too great with loud sounds and the fact is that Mitsuru…Mitsuru equals loud. He’s called Nanba’s noise problem for a reason and there might be times when he does get a little too loud for your liking, times where you either need to take a break from him or ask him to lower the volume a little bit but other than that, I do feel the two of you go together like peanut butter and jelly.
You mention really being open to meeting new people and experiencing new things, but only if it’s done in a way that still allows you to feel safe. And Mitsuru would definitely give you that ‘safe framework’, once you get to really know him and settle into the friendship. Even at the beginning of the friendship, there is just something about Mitsuru that does put people at ease and that does make them feel comfortable and safe with him. And that is only something that grows as the friendship grows more solid and I think it really gets to a point where you trust Mitsuru pretty completely to keep you safe, comfortable, and to never put you in harm’s way. And that’s useful because Mitsuru loves new and exciting and he always wants to drag you along. Literally sometimes. I wouldn’t put it past him to get the Science Division to modify his Segueway thing to have a trailer added to the back since, with your dystonia, he worries about making you walk too much so he’ll just pick you up, toss you gently in the trailer and zoom the two of you off to new adventures. He loves introducing you to all his ‘friends’ at Nanba, getting you out experiencing new people and new things. There’s definitely no possibility of boredom with Mitsuru around, which is kind of nice for you, where you do get bored easily.
Another thing I can see the two of you doing a lot together, because you both share creative natures, is crafting. He’ll occasionally join you for diamond dots or latch-hooking, something you get him a little addicted to, and he loves teaching you to show so that you can help him make plushies and odd little things. While you wouldn’t guess it by looking at him, Mitsuru is honestly really into crafting and things like that. He also really loves taking photographs and he’s definitely going to be the one to suggest making a scrapbook together of your adventures in Nanba Prison.
Now, Mitsuru might come across as a little goofy and sometimes a little dumb, but that cheerful, crazy façade hides the fact that this man is incredibly observant. He’s quick to learn you, to be able to tell your moods and your reactions. It comes in really handy when you find yourself becoming overwhelmed or worse, when you find yourself uncomfortable and upset. Since he figures out quickly that you have a hard time dealing with situations that make you uncomfortable, that you have issues sticking up for yourself or others because you don’t want to make others more upset, he’s usually pretty able to rescue you from those situations. For one, Mitsuru is definitely someone who has no problems with opening his mouth and giving his opinion and if he thinks someone is making you uncomfortable or upset, he’ll run his mouth and end up getting the situation back to a point where you feel comfortable, or he’ll run his mouth while finding a way to just get the two of you away from the situation entirely.
Another area where you and Mitsuru really click is that Mitsuru loves talking about his obsession of the moment. He’s a man with many interests and constantly changing hobbies and he loves to share his interests and thoughts about things with you. A big video gamer, he’ll want to play them with you, to connect over storylines or characters. He’ll want to involve you in any of his hobbies du jour. But he’s not selfish – he also loves hearing about your interests and he’s going to do everything he can to give your interests an honest shot to see if they’re things he ends up enjoying too. One interest the two of you for sure share is your interest in personality tests and things of that nature. Mitsuru loves them and finds it hilarious and fun to do alongside you for every one of your friends and acquaintances and he’ll dig up some interesting, weird little quizzes that he’ll want to take for you, while you take them for him, just to see what the results are and if they fit.
Now, it might seem like Mitsuru is always saving you or doing for you in this friendship, but it’s not all just a one-way street. Honestly, your more level-headed nature helps Mitsuru out a lot. You keep him from going overboard, something he’s easily tempted to do, and you pull him back from some of his crazier antics or escapades and let him know when enough is enough. And since he sometimes forgets to really take care of himself, your helpful and caring nature towards your friends really means a lot to him as you do little, quiet things that always make his day easier and better.
RUNNERS UP: Nico, Seitarou, Kiji, and Tsukumo
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years ago
hi there, I love your art! if you have time to answer, I was wondering if you have any tips or recommendations for drawing in a more expressive or cartoony style? I've been drawing for years but I always get caught up in the weeds and end up adding way too many details that don't necessarily look bad, but are too stiff and over-detailed. I really admire the way you capture so much in such clean lines, if you have any thoughts or advice I would love to hear them - thanks for sharing your art, have a great day!
ah thanks so much, i really appreciate it!! i totally get where youre coming from tho, i really tend to get caught up in the small things too (the amount of sketch layers i have on finished things is stupid lmao). anyways yes theres a few things i do to help myself out of that pattern!! im not all that great at putting things into words but hopefully the pictures help haha putting it under the cut because it'll probably end up long sorry
i cant speak for everybody but this is what i do! heres how i tend to approach my initial sketches:
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i like to keep it minimal here so i can focus on the pose over everything else, i try to do it in one pass and not worry about the anatomy. usually i do a few of these kind of sketches before i figure out something i like. also something ive found recently is that, for me, zooming in and doing these sketches really tiny helps because i dont have the space to add in detail. i do this a lot when i thumbnail a sequence to storyboard (usually on paper tho) and it helps me focus on the idea over the drawing
after that i like to focus on shapes!
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if theyre a character with loose fitting clothes i usually won't sketch out much anatomy and just get into the shapes of the clothes bc then i dont get too particular with proportions and all. im gonna state here that this is not an excuse to not study anatomy tho and the reason that this works out for me is because i have studied it haha
getting into details of things, i kind of try to walk the line between too little and too much? like with clothes the details i like to get are wrinkles at bent joints and obvious seams. with wrinkles i try to only do one, maybe two, because it can get excessive fast.
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seams are really good for establishing the direction things are facing, like to read volume in 3D space. the ones ill pretty much always include (unless theyre not present in the clothing worn) are shoulder seams and pants seams. in my experience shoulder seams are great at telling the fit of a shirt without a ton of detail!
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lmao heres a collage of expressions for an example. as far as faces go i like to exaggerate mouths and eyebrows a lot lmao its kind of hard for me to put into words my process here. i really like dot eyes bc i feel like i can do a lot with em in combination with lines. tho i dont usually use em on finished artwork. eyebrows and mouth are primarily what i use to establish a facial expression, though sometimes ill throw in a scrunched nose if the expression calls for it.
the whole "clean lines" bit really does help with making sure things dont look too cluttered, and the way to approach that for me is doing your line in just one stroke (maybe two if u want it darker but thats besides the point lmao) but yeah drawing from your shoulder, not having a hairy line, etc really helps not clutter your drawing anyways i think thats about it for expressiveness and clean lines idk if youve got anything more to ask ill answer to the best of my ability
TL;DR i try to focus on shapes and pose, and putting in just enough details to make action/expression read well
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cf56 · 2 years ago
My thoughts on episode 10
SPOILERS for season 3, episode 10 of the Animaniacs reboot
So that's great. I took two hours to write this entire review, and then with one press of control + Z, it was completely gone. Great site Tumblr. Really works as intended.
I was in a better mood, but having to rewrite this ENTIRE thing sucks so badly. I try to give my genuine thoughts as I go, and it's impossible to replicate that on the second try. I want to scream. Why can't this week just go right?
So now you're getting a negative opening for what was a super positive review. I seriously want to punch a wall. A website meant for long posts doesn't have an editor designed for them. That's just great.
I can't rewrite that whole thing. Just have a collection of screenshots and some jumbled thoughts.
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I'm sorry for Pinky and the Brain fans that their final showing was so short. I didn't like Brain talking about the "endlessly repetitive formulaic rebooted franchise that relies on just a handful of tired characters." You can say it's the writers taking a shot at themselves, but it really isn't. It's not their show. They didn't create the characters. Combined with the ending, it just feels a little disrespectful to the people who put their heart and soul into creating this show in the first place, and to the fans who genuinely love these characters.
Look at them being silly!
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I can't gush enough about the song. Such cute animation, such powerful music!
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I teared up while listening to it this time. I'll probably do the same on every future watch.
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I liked that Wakko was right about everything and had the idea that saved the day. The Warners literally saved the world and they'll still be treated like garbage by everyone around them.
The Joe segment was funny, especially the zoom out at the end. I liked hearing "Waltzing Matilda" in the background.
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Dot was so cute wanting to go on the teacups, just being infatuated with the idea of spinning around in a little teacup!
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This segment is the epitome of "this is my life now."
Poor Wakko has the worst luck. The SAME CLOWN just happened to be at this carnival? At least we know he got down from Mars.
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I thought it was weird to have two cataclysmic endings for the reboot six minutes apart from each other. Although they say this sketch was written for season 1, I find it really hard to believe that this wasn't originally meant to end the season/reboot, especially with Dot's quip at the end. I'm not sure I would want this to be the ending, though. It would have sucked if the Warners were the ones who explicitly ended their universe and killed everyone inside. That would have proven everyone right about their destructive nature all along.
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I thought this was a refreshing segment. Slappy sounded and looked great. Like I expected, it was short and there was no Skippy, but I'm happy it exists. I was surprised and happy to see that they got Sherri Stoner to return for work on the reboot.
I liked how Everyday Safety was just a never-ending cascade of total nonsense.
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The Council is not pleased.
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I thought Wakko's bottle song was catchy. I liked that it actually sounded like Wakko blowing. I wonder if they got Jess to do that for real in the studio?
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And the ending. I wrote four paragraphs about it, and it sucks so bad because I thought I made my points quite well. Let me try again.
I understand the metaphor with the abrupt and sudden ending. I know the asteroid is meant to represent Hulu. I just don't think they should have pushed their bitter disappointment with the show ending directly onto us. They should have thought it through a lot better.
If they were going to go doom and gloom, which they shouldn't have, they should've at least given the ending some emotional weight. How am I supposed to feel anything when the characters themselves don't show any reaction to their unexpected, oncoming violent deaths? I'm not saying it should have been super depressing with crying and begging. They just should have given a genuine reaction instead of doing business as usual. The closest set of siblings in the world is about to go out in a fiery blaze, and they're not even touching each other. They're just standing near each other awkwardly. Have them embrace and accept their death with a positive remark about how it was all worth it. That would at least give some closure.
What they should have done, if I could rewrite it from scratch, is give us a satisfying, happy ending. Show the Warners finally earning their freedom from the tower after 90 years. Maybe have them gaze at the sunset together, mirroring how the sun rose at the very beginning of the reboot. Even if they didn't have time to animate new scenery for something like that, anything would have been better for this. This ending just feels empty. It lacks any emotion besides pure shock and it feels like an F you to everyone who cares about the show. The creators might have intended that F you to feel like it was coming from Hulu, but Hulu didn't write this scene. The reboot writers did, and they had the power to leave us with something better. This could be the last Animaniacs we ever see.
I'm at least happy they attempted an ending. The original didn't have one at all. It just sucks that Animaniacs had to end unexpectedly and unsatisfyingly both times it's been suddenly cancelled. The reboot was supposed to fix that.
This was perhaps the most entertaining episode of the season for me. It has one of the greatest Animaniacs songs ever, maybe the best song of the season, I'm still not sure. I still love The Island of Dr. Warneau a lot, so I'm giving this episode a solid second place in my final ranking for the season.
Episode 6
Episode 10
Episode 3
Episode 9
Episode 7
Episode 4
Episode 2
Episode 1
Episode 5
Episode 8
That means that the majority of episodes this season are episodes I would consider really good. The top 4 are all episodes I would consider really great. I'll give my thoughts on the season as a whole in my collective season 3 review, but I'll need a few more days before I start writing that. I need some time to collect myself and reflect.
I'm sorry for how this review turned out. The first version felt a lot more positive, because in this attempt I just wanted to express my more well-developed thoughts, which happened to be criticisms. I liked this episode a lot. I just so desperately wish I hadn't lost that first version. It only adds to the most heavily conflicting mix of emotions I've ever felt in one week. I was feeling good, and now I'm knocked down again. I'm sorry to be the one putting so much negativity into the fandom. I want this to be a positive place for all. If I wasn't able to express my emotions here, though, I wouldn't be able to deal with them at all. So thanks to those that have been listening.
I encourage you to add to the discussion of this episode if you want. If you're from the future, please don't say anything about any of the episodes that come after this ;)
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mnmovdoom · 2 years ago
Breaking the Tumblr inactivity to zoom over here and ask for prompts 7 and 38! (I didn’t think through the characters so genuinely pick whichever ones you want to write for X) )
Since you let me on the loose, I did 7 for my OCs Magda and Wolfram and 38 for Rex and Ahsoka!
7- “I’ve been in love with you for years. I just never had the guts to say it.”
She felt his eyes on her, with the attention of a bird of prey and the gentleness of a dove. That was how he usually looked at her, but only when he thought she couldn’t see him. Foolish man if he thought she wouldn’t know. 
She had, for years now. But she had never done anything about it, not until she was certain it was what she wanted - the nearly full year her knight went missing, roaming the wilderness as a wolf, was a better teacher than all the scholars that provided Madga with education. 
And even so she had waited, wanting to be absolutely certain that she was not deceiving herself with something she had never fancied in the first place; she wanted to be completely sure that it was not only her favour that Wolfram wore around his mail-clad arm on tournaments, but her heart too. 
Now she was certain. It was in the way her heart picked up pace with the way Wolfram’s eyes never once left her, even though the view ahead of them was, in her opinion, much more beautiful. Riding out in the Spring was one of Magda’s favourite distractions: as her palfrey cantered through the green fields dotted with blossoming flowers, birds and butterflies would rise from below and envelop her and her horse in a swirl of colour that she thought was the closest there was to magic; the sky above her was endless and so bright and blue that she pitied God for living up there and being unable to see the sky from below. 
There was the field and the sky, and yet Wolfram, cantering next to her on his charger, had eyes only for her. 
With a gentle whistle, Magda pulled her shoulders back and tightened her fingers around the reins. Her palfrey fell into a collected trot, until she let the reins slip through her fingers and Erec slowed to a quick step, raising his head and looking around with his ears pointing forward. Next to her, Wolfram copied her every move, and for a while longer, they let their horses take them where they pleased.
They reached the bank of a narrow, shallow river that ran in a bed of pebbles and sparkled under the sun. Easily, Magda climbed down the saddle, arranged her dress, and made a beeline to the edge of the bank, so that she could see herself reflected on the water, her long long red braid whipping happily as she walked. 
It didn’t take long for Wolfram to join her, Great Helm under his arm, mail coif pulled back and the padded coif he wore underneath it clutched in a hand. She didn’t look at him, but through their reflection, she noticed with fondness that his unruly black hair was sticking out in every direction, like not even the weight of his headgear and sweat could keep those hackles down. 
“Spit it out, Wolfram,” Magda commanded, turning away from the water and looking at him. He did the same, fixing her with those brown eyes of his. Physically, he was everything and nothing; he was as sturdy as the walls around her keep, but his face lacked the clever engineering of the walls. His unruly black hair constantly reminded Magda of the fur of a wolf; his face was heavily scarred and even the tip of an ear was missing; his teeth were yellowed and crooked with sharp canines; his smile was a wolfish snarl. And yet, there was nothing of the beast in him, except for the rampant one painted on his shield. 
“Countess?” he asked, brows shooting up. He wasn’t particularly bright, but he was humble and knew his place. Magda pinched her nose bridge:
“Say it, Wolfram. The way you look at me, put it into words,” she commanded, arms falling to the side and one hand brushing over the hilt of the dagger she was carrying at her waist. Her eyes never left Wolfram’s face, which grew considerably paler at her command. She watched him work his jaw, shift uncomfortably, until he finally looked away:
“How did you-” he begun, prompting Magda to roll her eyes:
“You’re not very subtle, sir knight.”
“I think I’m decently subtle, countess…” With a wry smile, Wolfram’s eyes were on her again, resignation splayed across his face. “I’ve been in love with you for years. I just never had the guts to say it,” A pause. Magda suspected what Wolfram would say next, and the way he turned his face away again and gripped nervously at the pommel of his sword was enough confirmation. “And I’m just a knight, Magda. I’m your property.”
“And what kept your mouth shut all this time: being my property or fearing I’d reject you?” She crouched down, grabbed a pebble from the edge of the bank, and tossed it in the water for the simple pleasure of watching the impact ripple through the water. Not even a second later, a larger stone was hitting the water with a big splosh, close to where Magda’s pebble had hit. 
“You know I fear you,” Wolfram said quietly. “You can be so heartless and cold at times, Magda…” 
She knew. She had doubted her own ability to love, sometimes. She had doubted she would ever feel anything besides the friendship running between her and Wolfram.
And yet she took his hand, large and calloused and with a missing phalanx from an axe blow, years ago in a skirmish in the marks, and entwined their fingers. 
38 - “Just do it! HIT ME ALREADY!”
Rex had seen enough cadets and shinies to know the signs that something was off. Maybe low self-esteem, maybe too much frustration. In Ahsoka’s case, maybe it was a mix of both. She was good with her lightsabers, but she wasn’t that good when it came to hand-to-hand combat. It seemed like useless knowledge for a Jedi, but Rex agreed with General Skywalker that anyone should have that knowledge - especially during a war.
So Rex had taken it upon himself to train Ahsoka. Rex himself wasn’t an instructor, not like Alpha - he was a captain, meant to lead trained men into action. But Alpha’s training had stuck with him, and Rex was avoiding everything he thought was unnecessary for Ahsoka.
Like going as hard on her as Alpha had gone on him. He could phase things, start slow and easy, then move on to more complex blows and faster strikes once Ahsoka had a good grasp on the basics. 
There was no need for Rex to brutalise her and accidentally injure her. 
As Ahsoka dodged a blow, Rex watched realisation dawn on her face as she noticed that she had just given her back to Rex - the logical outcome was a rear-naked choke, and though she still tried to get away, it was too late: Rex kicked the back of one of her knees to knock her out of balance and as she went down, he caught her, arms locking around her neck and head and pulling her against himself. 
“Again…” Ahsoka huffed in frustration, wriggling herself free from Rex’s loosening grip and immediately jumping to her feet, adopting a low attacking stance. She was getting fed up with training and it showed in how hasty and careless she was getting - for example, her guard was more like an open gate than anything, and to point that out, Rex threatened to knock her out with a hook.
But his fist never collided with her face; instead, it stopped just a hair’s breadth away from her cheekbone. She had tensed up and frozen in place when Rex had feigned his attack, and right now, Ahsoka stood shock still, her head tilted just slightly so that she could see Rex’s fist out of the corner of her eye.
Rex thought she’d deflate and confess she was no longer in the right mindset to learn anything. That was fine, they had time and Rex wanted sparring to be fun for her too.
For a long second, Ahsoka had no reaction… until her eyes widened and she clenched her fists, where they still hovered loosely in a sloppy guard:
“Just do it! HIT ME ALREADY!” she all but yelled the last part, her eyes widening and lips peeling back in a snarl. The air around them prickled with electricity, heavy and dense and filled with something that hadn’t been there a second ago. 
For a battle-hardened clone, Rex startled like a cadet and pulled away abruptly, eyes wide and eyebrows shooting up to his hairline. He had seen Ahsoka angry before… he just hadn’t been on the receiving end of it. But he recomposed himself quickly, meeting Ahsoka’s snarl with sternness:
“We’re done for today, Commander Tano,” His tone was clipped, the same he used to reprimand his men. Just like that, the air cleared and Ahsoka’s anger morphed into regret. Her eyes went wide in shocked realisation, tension and aggressiveness left her as if blown by a gust of wind, and now she was simply a scared kid looking up at Rex.
And while Rex could hold his own against his men… he was weak to those big blue eyes staring at him pleadingly. Sighing, Rex deflated and simply shook his head disapprovingly.
“Rex, I’m so sorry, I-”
“We’re done for today,” Rex interrupted, kinder now. “General Skywalker and I disagree on this, but I think that you won’t learn anything if I keep insisting with you…”
“I’m sorry…” she repeated, sheepish, averting her gaze to her boots. Her shoulders were slouched, her stance defeated. Immediately, guilt washed over Rex for having been harsh with her. He was just a clone and Ahsoka was a padawan, already with the weight of the galaxy on her small shoulders. He didn’t have half of the pressure and concerns she had. Rex’s life was simple: fight, follow orders, live to fight another day or die for the Republic; on the contrary, Ahsoka had to study the Force, and progress in her instruction, and learn how to use her powers, and learn how to be a commanding officer. It was a lot and she was just a kid. 
Gently, Rex placed a hand on her shoulder:
“Talk to me like that again and who knows, I might have to put you in your place, soldier…” he said, lips quirking up in a small smile. It took Ahsoka a second to catch up to Rex’s humour, until she finally smiled, relaxing under Rex’s hand, and chuckled:
“Gotcha, Captain.”
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years ago
Based Off Of This Ask
A/N: I decided to do a lil something with dad to be/husband!Harry and Y/n bc they're cute, sweet, and spicy...this one is also a little bit funny too. there's also a tiny hint of subby wife!Y/n in here too...Enjoy🙃
Harry refused to give you sex. Anytime you asked him for his cock, he always said no, citing that “he didn’t want to harm the baby”. When you first found out that you were pregnant, your hormones and Harry’s sex drive were through the roof. You two were not only having sex everyday, that was normal for you two; you and Harry were going at it like three sometimes four times a day now that you were carrying. You guys’ sex life had managed to skyrocket to an even higher level than it was on before the pregnancy. Harry was amazed at how your body was changing and growing with his child (he has a bit of a breeding kink) and you had a heightened sensitivity in your breasts and between your legs which made you even more needy for him. This constant sex routine so to speak, continued on for a good while too. That is, until the two of you paid a visit to your doctor for your week 20 ultrasound. That was the day everything changed; and by everything, you meant you guys’ sex life. From the moment Harry saw the developed baby and all of her prominent features, Harry went into lockdown mode. He was already extremely helpful and careful with you ever since the beginning of this pregnancy journey and even more so when he found out that you guys were having a baby girl. But now that he could actually see his little girl and not just a little dot on the screen, along with feeling her moving around in your belly, he was on a mission to do everything that was in you and your daughters best interests. Even if that meant limited or no sex.
Now you could understand taking the rough part out of the equation, but sex overall?! That was absolutely not okay for you. Yes he was being the sweetest husband and dad to be in the world, and yes you loved him immensely for that. But you were horny! In fact, him taking all of those measures to keep you and your daughter safe was a big turn on. It’s not like you were demanding for him to pound you into next month. You’d find great enjoyment in that of course, but like Harry, you wouldn’t want to put the baby at risk. All you wanted was for him to be inside of you. You even offered to put some anal action onto play from time to time. Sure he gave you his fingers and mouth, and yes they were magnificent and got the job done, but his cock just hit different. You didn’t even want to use the dildo he got for you that was a nearly exact replica to his cock. But it’s not like you could really use it anyways since you couldn’t see over your mountain of a belly. Which speaking of your mountain of a belly, you were so desperate for his cock that you even bookmarked articles online that listed the different sex positions that could accommodate your bump. 
Now your neediness for Harry’s cock was also translated into tears. Along with your horny hormones being heightened, you also had emotional hormones that were a bit out of wack too. Since you weren’t getting his cock frequently, you started to think that he wasn’t attracted to you any more. But luckily for you, Harry nipped that right in the bud. When you told him how you felt, he spent the entire night pretty much worshiping your body. He gave you everything you’d been craving for in the weeks prior. He used his mouth, fingers, and cock in the most mind-blowing ways and pleasured you for as long as you needed. And in the process of making you feel good, he still made sure that you and the baby were okay. He was able to be the adorable worry wart he is and be pleasured at the same time, and you were able to be pleasured the way you so desperately needed.
 It was absolutely amazing; and about a month ago.
You were now one week away from your 8 month mark and you were still horny. After that amazing night together, Harry went from softly dicking you down to sex lockdown. His fingers and mouth were in heavy and really the only things in rotation, and you were dying to have his cock inside of you. It’s also notable to point out that this was the first time in you guys’ relationship that Harry tried to not have sex with you. Which meant that this entire situation was uncharted territory and you were extremely ready to get back to what you were familiar with. And that would be regular sex. And you were planning on getting it by any means necessary. Even if it meant that you would be the one on your knees. 
See, you’d been trailing behind Harry all day long. After he used his mouth on you first thing this morning, you were in need for more. Even though you were thinking it, you didn’t want to just come out and say “I want sex!”. You didn’t want to ignite one of you guys’ frequent and very trivial tit for tat battles, so you just followed him around and kept as close as possible. You even pulled up a chair and cuddled up next to him as he had a zoom meeting with his team. Even though he was kind of the reason why you had as a serious ache between your thighs, you weren’t going anywhere. You continued to sit there with him for the entire duration of his meeting, keeping yourself busy on your phone until you were able to have his full attention. And once you did, you pounced; you were going to get rid of that ache. As soon as he hung up, you lifted your head up from his shoulder and you carefully slide yourself down onto the floor before moving between your legs.
“Y/n, get up off the floor!” He exclaims concernedly, leaning himself forward to help get you up from the floor. 
“No! I want your cock.” You whine, bringing your hands up to tug at the waistband of his sweats. “This is the only way I can get it since you can’t seem to understand that the baby will be perfectly fine if we have sex.” You continue on, tugging at his waistband a bit harder for him to finally lift his hips so that you can pull them down. Once he does, you’re quick to tug them down to his ankles before pulling them off and tossing them to the side. You push his legs apart and you immediately reach out to wrap your hand around his soft and hardening cock. “Just wanna make us feel good.” You explain softly, keeping your eyes locked with his as you bring your mouth in and down onto his cock. 
“Oh my- Y/n!” Harry groans, feeling your warm mouth glide down onto him. Harry hadn’t seen you on your knees let alone with his cock in your mouth in a really good while. It’s almost as if he forgot about how good it feels to simply rest on your tongue and inside of your warm mouth. After you take a good amount of him inside your mouth, you just hold him there. You suck on his hardening and girthy shaft a bit but you just hold him on your tongue. Simply having the weight of his cock was already working for you. Once you’ve just head him there for a little longer while squeezing at his thighs, you pull you mouth up from his shaft and you immediately replace your mouth with your hand. You begin tugging at his glistening shaft, keeping your eyes on his cock.  As you do this, all you can hear is little moans falling from Harry’s mouth above you. Even though he didn’t want you on your knees at all, he couldn’t deny the fact that your mouth and hands worked wonders.
“So big.” You admire through a whisper, as you push your hand down his shaft one final time before bringing your mouth back onto him. As you do though, you can’t stop yourself from rubbing up against one of his legs. Your clit was tingling and on fire and you needed to quickly rub it out. But once you pushed yourself against him and realized how good it felt, you couldn’t stop. As you pushed your mouth back and forth on his shaft and took him all the way to the back of your throat at times, you managed to simultaneously rub your center against his leg through your leggings. You weren’t able to get much of a rhythm to your movements but you could care less since it felt so good. While you were contently and very happily taking care of yourself and Harry’s cock, Harry was in absolute heaven above you. He had a hand on the back of your head and his own head was tightly tilted back against the top of the chair. Even though he had no problem forgoing his pleasure at times to ensure that you and the baby were okay, it was still nice to have you on your knees with his cock in your mouth. He hadn’t seen that sight in a good while and he was looking forward to a time where he could see it more often. What was even better than you having your mouth on him was the fact that you were practically humping his leg and trying to get yourself off in the process. And not only could he hear your muffled whimpers and moans, Harry could also feel them. As you continued to suck and gag on him, he could feel the vibrations from your moans on his cock.
“Feelin’ good down there baby?” Harry moans through a string of pants, feeling your movements against his leg and cock become more feverish. To reply, you pull your mouth up from his shaft and you rest your head on one of his thighs as you continue to more for hand and yourself against him.
“So good.” You moan dreamily, feeling yourself get closer to a release.
“Look so pretty too.” He begins, bringing his hand that was on the back of your head to your cheek. “Love seein’ my pretty and pregnant little wife on her knees f’me.” He moans as he watches you play with the head of him and lick at his shaft while continuing your movements against his leg. “Even prettier when she’s using me to get herself off. Is that pretty little pussy of yours feeling good sweetheart?” He asks softly through his continued moans, as he begins to feel the damp spot that bled right through your panties and leggings against his leg.
“Feels so good.” You whimper before bringing your mouth to the swollen head of his cock to suckle on him. Your tongue was swirling all around the sensitive edge of his swollen head and you even pushed the tip of your tongue against his slit, causing him to practically melt into his seat.
“Wanna cum with me sweetheart?” He asks shakily through a string of strained moans as he feels his own release speeding towards him.
“Mhm!” You mumble, keeping your mouth on him. To push him right into his release, you use your free hand thats resting on his thigh down between his legs to squeeze his warm and full balls in you hand. 
“Fuck! Cum with me baby!” He shouts, feeling himself falling right into his release. And as he does, so do you. You keep yourself pressed tightly against his leg as you let go. The grip you had on him with your mouth gets tighter as the wave of your release washes over you. You could feel yourself just melting away as you came. Harry could feel your juices coating his skin as he came right in your mouth. It felt so good to just let go with each other and ride out the blissful waves of your releases.
Once you’re all done swallowing every drop of his cum, you pull your mouth off of Harry’s cock and you move back off of his leg before reaching over to grab his pants and help him put them on. But he quickly brings your actions to an immediate halt. 
“You don’t have to help me with that sweetheart, let’s just get you back up and comfortable.” He directs, taking the pants from your hands and sitting them on the desk before helping you get up from the floor below him. Once you’re up, he guides you back to the seat you were once sitting in before swiftly putting his pants back on. 
“Feelin’ better lovie?” He asks sweetly, leaning over to plant a kiss to one of your chubby cheeks. Before you could even think about it, you just blurt out how you were actually feeling.
“M’feeling good al all, it’s just that we’re getting real close to the due date and I want to get as much of you and your cock in as possible because once I have the baby I’ll be all stitched up and healing, during and after that we’ll be tired from taking care of a newborn, and I don’t know how I’m gonna feel and stuff afterwards so I really want you as much as possible. So stop being overprotective and let me have your cock!” You bluntly and quickly explain, feeling a little pool of tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
“Don’t cry baby!” He coos softly to you, pulling up from your seat and into his lap. “M’sorry for not taking better care of you and being so over protective. Just don’t want anything to happen to you or bubs.” He explains, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around you. 
“You do an amazing job at taking care of me and I love you so much for that. But we’ll be fine. And if bubs isn’t for it, she’ll just kick me like she always does.” You reassure him with a little smile spread across your face.
“I guess you’re right.” He chuckles, bringing his hand down to your swollen stomach. 
“I know.” You sigh happily, nuzzling your head down into his shoulder. “Now I think that we can agree on cockwarmimg every night, even when we have little naps during the day.” You propose.
“I can do that and anything else you want doll.” Harry readily agrees, more than happy to give you what you wanted.
“Good! Now can we go upstairs and take a nap, I’m a little tired? Being on my knees and getting up wore me out.”
“Anything for you my princess.” He chuckles.
In these next couple of weeks, Harry was going to make sure you got everything you needed…but obviously with caution of course because it was still Harry you were talking about here. 
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actualbird · 3 years ago
hi zak i just wanna i looove your fics ur marius hcs are so canon to me and if u don’t mind me asking how do u usually outline ur fics?
hi anon!! thank u so much :DDD
and sure thing! i remember i answered this question once or twice in the past but i cant find it again in my archive ahjfkjhsfkjahs so i'll just go thru it all again (and for good reason cuz i think i my answer last time made it look like things were organized. it's not. it's Not Organized)
anyhoo, short overview answer is: craft big idea -> rough outline (summaries/short bullet points) -> detailed outline (connecting all the dots)
long detailed answer follows under the cut (wow, me using a readmore HAHAJKHSVKFJ well, my writing process is boring i dont wanna stretch dashes with this, i'll save being a nuisance for my silly little headcanons)
all screenshots will be coming from my outline for my most recent fic "standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun)" cuz it's freshest in my memory and also planning took a LOT of time here
step 1: craft big idea
the first thing i actually do on outline doc is make the summary that i forsee it'll have on ao3. this is cuz my summary format on ao3 is [excerpt of scene] + [a few lines explaining the fic overall], and thinking of what to put here first helps me get a good grasp on what i want the fic to be in the Big Picture sense: what the mood/tone will be, whos POV it's in, what the inciting event that kicks it all off is, etc etc
the big idea, along with all the other steps in my process, are subject to change as the process goes on. for example, for the shovel talk fic, heres the first ao3 summary i made for it (version from april 3, thank u google docs version history HAHA)
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this was back when i envisioned the fic as a long-ish oneshot that was mostly comedy. but as i continued thru the other steps of outlining (and realized that the comedy is more of the hook and seasoning and the real core is gonna be the feels later on that i didnt wanna spoil upfront in the summary), the ao3 summary changed to whats on the fic now
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still, no matter how the ao3 summary changes, it's a great starting point for my brain to get into the rest of the fic cuz ive already got a bunch of the core stuffs for the story
step 2: rough outline
this step is me getting into the overview of each part/chapter of the fic, the big idea but for specific chunk of story. these come either in the form of short bullet points or short short summaries of the events, and thats rlly all that is in here: events. all the details is for step 3
heres the rough outline portion for chapter 5 of standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun)
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absolute barebones, but each chapter has got something along these lines going on for them (i just shared this one cuz it's the least messy to look at AJHVKJZHFVAKJHS) which keeps me on track irt what needs to be Happening.
step 3: detailed outline. the longest and most stupidly meticulous part of my process
this step is what it says on the tin. with the smaller bigger picture of the chapter (huh, actually, im realizing that my process basically hinges on taking in the big picture and then slowly zooming in bit by bit) i then start putting down the exact things i wanna write: everything from dialog to descriptions to etc etc. and all of it is absolute wordbarf and the fact it is wordbard is Important
heres an excerpt from the detailed outline portion of chapter 2 of the fic
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i put in A BUNCH. and this is important to me cuz it's at this stage i can start filling in the blanks, irt the events i put down in step 2
like in this chapter, i had 2 events to link: vyn making dumb sex innuendos -> vyn making his grand and genuine love declaration about marius. how to get from point A to point B is something i cant leave for the actual writing portion because my tendency is to blank for days, trying to find the perfect way to word it or execute it.
but in this outlining portion ive got the freedom to try out a bunch of methods in a wordbarf format that gets my thoughts in order. it doesnt have to be good or make sense just yet, as long as it connects the two events, i can refine it during actual writing
and more often than not, changes Do happen in the actual writing portion, since once that bit is going on ive got a clearer idea on how the scene is flowing and all that jazz. still, those changes are hinged upon the fact that ive got a skeleton prior, or else i'd have a really hard time trying to figure out whats not working because i hadnt put a Thing thats Not doing the job yet. i guess my penchant for doing this step that i know many people see as insane is that it's easier for me to work on something imperfect that already exists than to make something do what it needs to do on the first try
heres another portion i still consider as part of step 3: me trying to figure out how marius and giann have their argument in chapter 5
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and then i basically transplanted these into the chronological outline portion so i could see how it works in the actual scene
so my full outline for this fic is a grand total of 6.7k words cuz i do the detailed outline for every single scene HAHA
aaaaand thats how i outline, anon! i hope this sates ur curiosity :DDD
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salemwritesxx · 4 years ago
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↳ pro-hero Bakugou x lieutenant reader
summary: Bakugou has been kidnapped by a villain. Getting tortured live on camera, Lieutenant Y/n is frantically doing everything he and his team can to find out his lovers whereabouts so he can save him. Though, as crazy and childish the villain may seem at first glance, they are very intelligent and lead Y/n on a merry chase.
w.count: 3.7k
content warning: kidnapping, torture / blood / death, angst / dark themes with a happy ending
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An ear-piercing scream echoed through the tiny, dark room, Katsuki’s naked body shaking and twitching, almost blacking out from all the pain as blood dripped from his back. He had tried for so long to suppress his sounds, but eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore, making the villain laugh in a rush of ecstasy.
“Yes, yes, finally. Scream for me, little hero pup.”, they almost moaned out in bliss, before they started hitting Bakugou’s bloody back, the whip had already left deep cuts on his skin.
Seeing mere blinking little dots as everything was so close to fading into black, his last thoughts were dedicated to you as the usually high and mighty Katsuki thought a pleading, “Please… I can’t take it anymore…”, before he couldn’t hold his head up any longer and darkness engulfed him.
Looking back to your PC where a livestream of your lover getting tortured had been running for the last four days. Katsuki was naked, blood-smeared and broken, and all you could do was watch as you frantically tried to gain information where that bastard villain was hiding.
“Lieutenant!”, an officer, and good friend of yours, came into your office.
“Make it quick Aki!”, you barely growled – though he didn’t take offense to that, knowing what you were going through right now was something no one could probably even fully imagine, having your significant other taken away and tortured…
“Y/n, we have finally located him.”, Aki said, getting your full attention immediately as you leaned over to look at the map on his tablet. “Our tech team finally managed to trace the signal were he sent the live footage from. At first, the signal came from all over Japan, China, North and South Korea-“
“Aki!”, you didn’t have time for much explaining and he understood, hence he zoomed into the map.
“It’s here. A field up north, almost 300 miles away. We cannot pinpoint it yet, but it’s in a 4 mile radius from the nearest transmitter. Y/n… we got them! They won’t be able to flee.”
You were hopeful, but you also needed to stay calm, thus you took a deep breath and said, “Okay. Tell our team they should get out of there.”
“But, Lieutenant! With just a little more time, we could pinpoint the exact location!”
“No! The villain managed signals to appear all over four different countries. They are psychotic but also incredibly intelligent and if we dig deeper, they might realize we almost have them.”, you then stood up and took your long, black coat. “Let’s hope they haven’t already found out. Tell the tech team to stop, they should be careful not to leave any digital footprint behind that could possibly make the villain run away!”
As you walked out the door, you turned one last time to Aki, “Send the location to all available officers and pro-heroes in the north, as well as a healing heroes and an ambulance just in case. I want as many as I can get! I will be there in 5 hours.”
“Yes, Lieutenant!”
And with that, you nodded and walked out and to your car.
“Don’t worry, Baby… I’m going to safe you. Please endure it for just a little while longer.”, you mumbled to yourself as you almost floored the accelerator after inputting the coordinates into your GPS.
“Rise and shine, Sunshine!”, Katsuki heard in the background, still sounding very dull though, his head – no – everything hurting, before-
“HAH!”, he gasped in shock when they splashed a bucket of cold water all over his aching body.
“There you are. My, you are such a gross little hero. You literally peed yourself after our session last time.”, they shook their head and sighed, “Such a bad boy. But I guess it can’t be helped, huh?”
If Bakugou had just a little bit of strength left, he would have growled and yelled at the villain, but he simply couldn’t. He was cold, gross and in so much pain. If those fucked up handcuffs wouldn’t suppress his quirk, he would have killed that bastard right then and there.
“Aww, don’t look at me like that, hm?”, they patted his head as if he was a mere pet, “I know, I know. You don’t like peeing inside your home either, right? Silly me forgot to take you out on a walk. Forgive me.”
Though all Katsuki did was spit right into their face while not backing down and staring at the villain with his gleaming ruby eyes.
“Such a brat.”, was the last thing the villain said, obviously very furious, before they reached to the whip yet again.
“Guess I have to discipline you again, my little pet hero! Be nice and look into the camera for your lovely Y/n to see it.”
After a continuous drive of around five hours, you finally managed to arrive – it was a big open field and then a giant forest behind that. The moment you got out of the car, you knew it wasn’t going to be an easy search, but you were determined to find your lover.
“Lieutenant Y/n?”
“Yes?”, you turned around to meet another officer.
“I am Lieutenant Han. We have all special pro-heroes and available officers here. They are already searching the area in groups in all 4 directions. I am confident we can find the villain and the person they kidnapped.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant Han.”, you shook his hand tightly, “I apologize it all happened so abruptly but I greatly appreciate your help.”
Han nodded, then got you a walkie-talkie, before he also started searching in the radius your tech team calculated.
“To all units, this is Lieutenant Y/n. The villain we are searching for is incredibly strong. They somehow managed to make anti-quirk weapons and other equipment. Being hit or tied by them will nullify any and all quirks. We don’t know for how long, but we know it is immediate, so if possible, stay away and don’t attack them directly.”
Then, your search began as well.
His head was hanging low, blood trickling over his body and yet, it wasn’t so much that it would be live-threatening, that’s the one thing the villain cared about, wanting to see him suffer for as long as possible.
“Bah! You are so fucking nasty and stink!”, he yelled and hit him again. It’s not like Bakugou wasn’t aware of that, he grossed himself out, but what was he supposed to do when he was cuffed to a chair for the past four days?
“I need to get some fresh air, you stay here.”, they said as if Katsuki could actually move.
Though, in reality, as the villain walked outside of the room, he started tugging on the cuffs yet again. His wrist were already hurting so much, they were already wounded terribly and yet, he didn’t stop fighting. He couldn’t.
Bakugou was not giving up. He had never been someone to give up, even if he was dizzy from the blood loss, even if everything hurt and he had to clench his teeth to silently cry as his bones broke when he pulled the hand through the cuff eventually, it was all worth it in the end.
After four days, he was finally free. Though, he couldn’t feel the rush of his quirk pumping through his veins, which was… terrifying. Bakugou actually didn’t think that much ahead – he was free now, but what to do next? He was weak, dehydrated, hungry and in pain, so what was he going to do now?
Wobbly standing on his bare feet, he walked to the door, however, as Katsuki heard footsteps, he immediately retreated and hid in the darkness, trying to calm his breathing.
The moment, the villain walked in and he wasn’t sitting on the chair anymore, Katsuki reeked his chance and just ran past him and out of the door, though it wasn’t over so easily as the villain yelled in anger and used his whip, catching Bakugou around his ankle to make him stumble and fall, his naked self laying on the hard wooden flooring of the tiny cabin and crying out in pain as his broken hand was pulsating horribly.
“You are such a bad pet! BAD, BAD, BAD!”, they almost screamed, though right now, Katsuki had his flight instinct activated – he was not going to get back into the tiny, dark room. Grabbing the whip, he surprised the villain as he pulled them closer harshly, making them stumble, thus being able to kick them in their stomach to paralyze them for a few seconds due to pain.
Hastily getting rid of the whip around his ankle, he moaned in pain as every step hurt when he stood back up, but he was determined and through immense anguish and on shaking legs, he ran outside, being greeted by so many trees and a thick forest.
Not knowing what to do, Bakugou just ran. His naked feet were dirty and soon little cuts from all different sharp things on the ground made it even more challenging to keep going, but he just wanted to escape.
“STAY RIGHT HERE!”, he heard a screech behind him and then, a loud bang that made him flinch and kneel down in panic – they had a gun, great, and he was quirkless right now...
But Bakugou didn’t stay in that position for long, running as fast as his weak body allowed, shielding just his most private and sensitive area with his hand so tree branches or bushes wouldn’t injure him while pressing his broken hand against his chest to not hurt it any more.
When the bang echoed through the field and forest, you turned around immediately, your walkie-talkie also going off instantly, “Lieutenant did you hear that?!”
“Everyone, stay alerted.”, and so, you ran into the direction.
Your drew your own gun as you ran up north in the direction of the forest.
As Katsuki ran and ran, he slowly saw a literal light at the end of the tunnel, the forest clearing up as lesser trees were surrounding the area until he finally broke free and into an open field. And that’s where he saw you, you were literally a few feet away from him, hence he couldn’t help but cry your name.
When you turned around, it was like thousands of pounds were lifted from your heart, though you knew it wasn’t over yet as another bang was heard, Bakugou rushing into your direction, he didn’t care if he wasn’t strong when he sobbed your name, he didn’t care if he was smelling and looking so unbelievable gross right now, all he cared about, was seeing you right there, opening your arms the moment you made eye-contact with him.
“Y/n, Y/n!”, your lover cried and hiccupped your name as tears streamed down his face, throwing himself into your embrace. You didn’t care about anything as well, simply taking off your coat and wrapping it around Bakugou’s naked, bloody body as you gently hugged him.
“I’m here, Baby Boy. I’m here. You’re safe now.”
“I didn’t give up… I promise.”, he barely whispered.
“I know, Katsuki, I know. You are so strong.”, though you couldn’t be happy about having him in your arms for much longer when the villain also finally rushed out of the thick forest.
“Ahha, what a pain. I can’t believe my pet ran away like that. Now I have to get it back, so excuse me, Sir, but that is mine.”, they were mocking you and it made you furious.
Katsuki was clawing at you, his face buried in your uniform vest. Just hearing the villains voice made him shake, the reality that he was out of there only slowly settling in.
Holding out your gun with one hand, the other holding your boyfriend close, you saw in the corner of your eyes that other heroes and police officers were approaching, hence you tried to buy some time as you said, “Yours? Yes, right. The last time I checked, owning other people was illegal.”
“Then why don’t you listen!?”, they suddenly threw a tantrum, how was someone like that so intelligent, you wondered, “That’s why I said he was my pet! He is my pet, my pet, my pet! This is MY PET!”, he screamed, making Katsuki flinch and cover his ears as he couldn’t bare hearing his screaming anymore after so many days having to deal with it.
“Stop it right there, or I’ll shoot!”, you then yelled when he came closer again in a fit of rage, though he didn’t listen as he pulled his own gun out.
Then, there was another loud bang and the screaming suddenly stopped.
When Bakugou slowly looked back, there they were. Laying on the field, their gun besides them and with a gunshot wound in their head.
“Y/n…”, slowly looking up, he witnessed how you threw away your own gun beside you into the field, before wrapping both of your arms around him.
“It’s okay now. No one will hurt you again.”
With relief washing over him, Katsuki was sobbing again as his naked legs gave in, though you were there, catching him and carrying him bridal style with your coat cover him.
“Lieutenant!”, Han was the first to approach you, “We saw what happened. You had to shoot…”, then they looked to Bakugou, “I see…”
“Lieutenant Han, I want officers to take the villains weapon. We need to find out the mechanics behind them and how they can nullify quirks.“, then you turned around to walk to the ambulance car where healing heroes were waiting.
“Of course. And Lieutenant? A few of our heroes have found a cabin deep in the woods. We can confirm it’s where they held the victim hostage.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant Han.”, then you walked away.
As he was laying there, healing heroes tended to his heavily wounded back, while you sat beside him, holding his hand that had an IV needle in it, giving him the needed hydration and nutrients.
Bakugou was embarrassed though. He was thankful they were such professionals, not even flinching when you carried him over even though he was smelling so disgusting. No, they were simply doing their job.
He might have been kidnapped and tortured, but with rescue heroes there that could immediately tend to his wounds and hook him up to an IV needle, he didn’t need to be transferred to an actual hospital. It was just something that was reserved for very badly injured patients and heroes, and even though he had deep wounds from the whip, he still wasn’t “injured enough” to be hospitalized – a little fucked up, honestly, but on the other hand, he was glad, because it meant he could go home with you on the spot.
After having his biggest wounds and broken hand treated thanks to the heroes, you two sat in comfortable silence as you caressed his hand softly, waiting for the infusions to be done.
“I’m sorry I smell like literal shit…”, he then broke the quietness, though not looking at you as he was too ashamed.
“Don’t say that. You survived and endured something so extreme. No one blames you, so don’t apologize.”, gently touching his bloody face, you turned it so he would have to meet your eyes, “I’m so relieved you are here now and your wounds are healed. I’m so proud of you for enduring it. You are literally the strongest hero I know.”
“Y/n…”, tears welled up in his eyes as he grabbed your hand to squeezed it, “Thank you.”
Squeezing his hand back, you softly shook your head and smiled at him, “Hey, I called at the nearest motel so you can take a bath and eat and get some sleep. I’ll stop at the convenient store before that, okay? And tomorrow, we will drive home so you can rest.”
“Hmh.”, Bakugou simply nodded, a smile flitting across his lips, “That sounds nice… I might call my agency, too. I don’t know if I can go back to work immediately…”
“Yes! You should absolutely take a break, Baby.”, holding his hand tighter, you looked very serious, “Something traumatizing happened to you, no one expects you to get back to work like nothing happened. And if you need help – professional help – then I’ll be here to support you, okay? I’ll always have your back.”
“No, I… I just need you.”, and even if it may seem a little naïve to not get professional help so he could come to terms with what had happened in the last four days, the way you looked at him, with love and adoration, even though he was a stinking, gross mess, he just knew all he needed was you to be able to forget.
“And I’ll be here for you. Always.”
As he stood in the little bathroom of the hotel and vigorously brushing his teeth and rinsing his mouth multiple times, Katsuki could get a good look at himself for the first time since he had been out of the dark, tiny room back in the cabin. He look so bad, so broken and blood everywhere on his naked body.
Putting away the toothbrush you had bought at the convenient store, he took a deep breath and shook his head a bit to get rid of the nagging thoughts in his mind, before walking over to the bathtub and easing himself into the hot water.
As he was sitting there for a few seconds though, a sudden wave of loneliness overcame him, anxiously looking around while trying to gulp down the big lump in his throat, feeling so… suffocated and like back in the tiny, dark room, chained to a chair-
Abruptly standing up and – as wet as he was – Katsuki got out of the bathtub, stumbling to the door to rip it open with a “Y/n!?”, only to see you were sitting on the bed, your phone in your hand.
For a second, you looked confused, completely surprised by his sudden outburst, just to put away the phone immediately.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m here.”, swiftly walking to the bathroom, your arms were slung around his naked body, dried blood all over him still, though you didn’t care, making him ease into your hug instantly as he buried his face at your chest.
“Come with me…”, Bakugou barely mumbled so weakly, though you quickly nodded and whispered an “Okay.”, showing him you weren’t going anywhere anymore.
Walking back into the bathroom, he hated the thought of being so… weak. But he simply couldn’t shake the anxious feeling, however he knew you weren’t blaming him, not after what he had to go through.
Undressing yourself, you joined him in the bathtub eventually, thought this time, standing in it instead of sitting down as he had unplugged the drain. It was small and cramped, especially for two grown men, but maybe that was exactly what he had needed now – to feel you. Your body pressed against his.
“I’m going to wash you, okay?”, you said in a hushed tone, not wanting to startle him.
Turning on the shower head on the wall, Katsuki turned around so his back was facing you, your hands combing through his hair, washing away the dirt and blood as well as letting your hand slowly glide along his back, making him flinch and kind of jerk away from you a bit.
“I’m sorry, Baby.”
“No, it’s okay…”, gulping a bit, he quickly washed his face as well, washing away the traces of being held hostage.
“Hey, turn around for me, Kat.”, turning off the water, you reached for shampoo you had bought in the convenient store as well, taking a small amount and then massaging it into his hair, the soft sigh escaping his lips immediately making you smile a little.
“That feels nice?”
“Hmh.”, his ruby eyes were closed and his hands were holding you around your waist, not really wanting to let go in fear that this was all a dream.
It was quiet, but it wasn’t a suffocating silence anymore, knowing you were right in front of him, massaging his scalp and getting off all the dirt from the last days out. As you turned on the water again to rinse out the shampoo, you then also traveled to his beautiful face, gently drawing circles with your thumb to wash away little patches of blood. Katsuki slowly opened his eyes again to look at you.
“Thank you for saving me.”, he then quietly said, which only earned him your smile.
“Hey… I would have traveled across the world and turned around every pebble to find you and get you back. Because I love you so much. I couldn’t sleep knowing you were out there… being tortured, alone with that psycho…”
It made his heart jump and tears welled up in his eyes, before Bakugou slung his arms around your neck to pull you down and press his lips against your own, flinching a little in the process due to the small cuts on them stinging a bit.
“I love you… thank you.”, were the only things he mumbled, only to get pulled in once more to drown in your sweet kisses, something he definitely needed right now.
After getting out of the shower, he put on some of the clothes you had gotten from the convenient store as well, just so he didn’t have to keep being naked, even if the ‘one size fits all’ didn’t properly fit and was a bit tight due to his muscular built, at least he was covered.
Crawling into bed, or rather onto the futon, Katsuki immediately flopped into your warm embrace as you joined him, hugging him tightly and making sure to hold him protectively. It was a comfortable silence as you drew on his back and combed through his hair, softly caressing him so he relaxed against you completely.
All he needed to feel better was right in his arms. Being able to snuggle against you, knowing he was home and not in that tiny, dark room anymore. It was a little scary and he knew it wouldn’t be easy in the next weeks as he tried to forget what had happened, though he had already come to terms with one kidnapping, so Katsuki was sure he could learn to live with the scars of his second one as well, especially now that he had you who supported and loved him.
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@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
writer’s note: I am in such an angsty mood lately and I apologize xD
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